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Restoring Health and Hope: 2017 Disaster Relief Update

It's been more than 100 days since Hurricane Maria shattered the homes, livelihoods, and day-to-day normalcy of thousands of people in Puerto Rico and throughout the Caribbean.

Our hearts broke as we witnessed another hurricane devastate the lives of so many following the destructive paths of hurricanes Harvey and Irma.

Unfortunately, 2017 was an unprecedented year for natural disasters around the world. It is through the generous support of MAP International donors and partners that life after these events was made a little easier for those affected...

Hundreds of thousands experienced the hope of having medicines and health supplies in the most desperate of conditions. You opened your hearts in 2017 and here is what you helped MAP accomplish with Disaster Relief in 2017:

For the victims of Hurricanes Maria, Harvey and Irma, over $26 million in medicines and relief supplies was provided to those affected by these historic storms.

Puerto Rico: Puerto Rican first responders used medicines and supplies from MAP International to treat injuries and save lives. These supplies were initially airlifted to the island and were among the first medical relief to arrive once supply lines were restored.

  • More than 400,000 people benefitted from MAP’s supply of medicines and health products.

  • Supplies included critically-needed antibiotics, bronchodilators, hypertension medicines, analgesic medicine, and Disaster Health Kits (DHK) containing items such as soap, antiseptic wipes, and other basic disease prevention goods.

U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) and Dominica: USVI and Dominica were devastated by Hurricanes Maria and Irma causing significant physical damage to the healthcare infrastructure.

  • MAP dispatched a 40-ft shipment of medicines and medical supplies to help restore the medical care systems. These shipments contained hospital supplies including surgical gowns, syringes, needles, examination and surgical gloves, surgical masks, casting materials and other supplies.

  • MAP also provided 800 Sawyer water filters to serve the needs of 40,000 people each day.

Texas: Hurricane Harvey made landfall on August 25, causing 84 deaths. Damage was primarily caused by extreme rainfall, resulting in massive flooding in the Houston area.

  • Victims of flooding in Texas benefitted from more than $2 million in relief supplies provided by MAP International. These supplies helped prevent the spread of illness and provided comfort through a challenging time.

  • More than 4,000 people who were flooded out of their homes in Texas received a MAP Disaster Health Kit.

Other parts of the also world witnessed devastating natural disasters earlier in 2017.

Guatemala and Mexico: Two earthquakes less than ten days apart shook areas of northwest Guatemala and Mexico causing extensive destruction. The September 8 earthquake near the Guatemalan border with Mexico (photo: Luis Alberto Cruz/AP) destroyed more than 2,500 homes and affected 20,000 people. A second earthquake struck Mexico City September 19, killing more than 369 people and affecting the lives of millions.

  • A shipment of critically-needed antibiotics, analgesics, and other health supplies was already en route to Mexico when the first earthquake struck. These supplies were redirected to support people affected by this disaster.

  • MAP International shipped nearly $8 million in medicines and health supplies to partners in Guatemala to assist those affected by the September 8 earthquake.

Sierra Leone: More than 1,000 people died from the mudslides and flood that hit Regent, an area on the outskirts of Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown on August 14.

  • MAP International provided more than $9 million in medicines and medical supplies to assist those impacted by this unprecedented disaster.

Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon: MAP International continues to serve Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Jordan. A crisis since 2013, MAP International has provided more than $2 million in medicines to help people who have fled the violence in their home country.

  • More than $593,000 was provided to Syrian migrants living in refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon in 2017.

Thank you for relieving the suffering of so many during times of disaster in 2017. MAP is actively preparing to assist those impacted by disasters in 2018. We pray these events are fewer and far between.

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